5 Steps To Tidy Your Home For Your Children's Wellbeing

Do you find yourself concerned about the persistent clutter that seems to have taken root in your home and its potential effects on the little ones under your care? You're certainly not alone in this. Beyond the evident disorder, parents have a deeper worry – the well-being and mental health of their children. 

As a Master KonMari Method® Consultant, I work with parents all the time who share your concerns.  There have been many studies on how messiness can impact children’s mental and physical health and overall development.  Here are 5 simple steps you can start to create a new environment for your kiddos, one where they feel safe, calm, and energized.

1. Face Your Unease

As parents, the welfare and growth of our children are of utmost importance. Clutter poses more than just a visual disturbance; it's a conceivable hazard for the curious explorers in your life. The question looms – how does this disorder affect their physical health and mental development?

2. Take Good A Look At Your Home

Young minds are akin to sponges, absorbing everything in their surroundings. Clutter isn't merely a mess; it becomes a focal point of confusion. Imagine the scenario: toys scattered like debris from a hurricane, books lost in the chaotic crossfire. For your children, it's not just disorder; it's a mental battlefield where concentration becomes the victim.

3. Plan Your Renewed Liberation of Space

The moment has arrived for a proactive intervention. Following in the footsteps of Marie Kondo, we recognize that a cluttered space isn't just about its physical implications; it bears on one's mental state. Freeing your living space from the grasp of chaos isn't solely about achieving cleanliness; it's about establishing an environment that cultivates the flourishing minds of your little ones.

4. Precision Strikes for a Safer Refuge

Commence by strategically addressing the clutter. Begin with the playroom, making choices that prioritize joy and functionality in the selection of toys. In the bedroom, remove unnecessary distractions to create a serene haven conducive to rest and rejuvenation.

5. Establishing Mental Breathing Space

As the clutter gradually dissipates, so does the mental fog that once loomed. An organized, clutter-free space provides mental room for young minds. Decision-making becomes a less arduous task, and the transformation of frustration into autonomy and control begins. Your children can confidently navigate their world, fostering feelings of self-assuredness and overall well being.

Your home should encompass more than being a mere living space; it ought to function as a sanctuary for growth and development. By making the choice to declutter, you're not solely creating an organized living environment, but also cultivating a space that fosters the growth and development of your children. Bid adieu to the perplexity, vexation, and stifled decision-making, and usher in the delight of a clutter-free haven conducive to their health and overall wellbeing. What do you have to lose?

Jane Dolan

Jane founded Jane Organizes in 2008 after a 20-year stint at a Design + Build firm in San Francisco. Jane loves working with rebels and dreamers, co-creating homes they will love. The KonMari Method™ is Jane's organizing tool of choice, after drinking the elixir in 2014.


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