How to Embrace Confident Hosting THIS HOLIDAY SEASON

Do you long to host gatherings, bring your loved ones together, or arrange a memorable get-together, but cringe at the thought of your untidy space? It's not your lack of hospitality spirit, but rather the clutter that's been restricting you. However, there's a way to escape the awkwardness and self-consciousness.

This is one of the many symptoms of a cluttered home that can unfortunately lead to stifled relationships.  I know this because I felt the embarrassment of inviting people over to my family’s cluttered home. I told myself never again, and began on my journey of tidiness.  I know work people of all backgrounds to make their homes party-ready and here are some ways you can too:

1. The Chains of Embarrassment: An Honest Admission

Let's be frank – it's a genuine concern to feel embarrassed when inviting friends and family over, especially when your living space resembles a chaos zone. The idea of hosting a girls' night or a Thanksgiving dinner can feel like an invitation to your personal mess museum.

2. Choosing Solitude

When the shame of a cluttered space discourages you from welcoming loved ones into your home, it extends beyond cleanliness concerns; it's self-imposed isolation. Relationships suffer, and the laughter that should fill your living areas is supplanted by a solitary echo echoing off walls of embarrassment.

3. Embrace Your Freedom

It's time to liberate yourself from the embarrassment and regain your space with enthusiasm. Marie Kondo would certainly support your decision to rebel against the mess that's been restraining your social life. It's not just about tidying up; it's about hosting with confidence and reasserting your role as the consummate host.

4. Strategic Decluttering

Execute your decluttering tactics with precision. Begin with the living room – clear the coffee table of its disorder. Address the kitchen – allow those countertops to breathe without the burden of yesterday's dishes. It's a discreet operation aimed at transforming shame into brilliance.

5. A Resurgence of Confidence

As the clutter recedes, so does the embarrassment. Picture a space where you can readily open your doors, secure in the knowledge that your space is ready to impress.

6. Extend a Vibrant Invitation

With shame no longer a concern, send out those invitations. Host your girls' night, organize that dinner party, and welcome the family to your table. It's not just about the event; it's a celebration of your freedom. Your space is no longer a concealed chamber of shame; it's a lively sanctuary for gatherings and good times.

A cluttered space should never be the reason for keeping loved ones at arm's length. Break free, reclaim your space, and invite the world inside. Hosting isn't about perfection; it's about creating moments and memories. So, shed the embarrassment, swing open those doors, and let the laughter flow. Your space is prepared to be a platform for joy, not a refuge for embarrassment. So, when will your next get-together be?

Jane Dolan

Jane founded Jane Organizes in 2008 after a 20-year stint at a Design + Build firm in San Francisco. Jane loves working with rebels and dreamers, co-creating homes they will love. The KonMari Method™ is Jane's organizing tool of choice, after drinking the elixir in 2014.

Your Tidying Guide to Host a Stress-Free Thanksgiving This Year


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